Similar todos
Run Sidekiq
Try to follow tutorial to deploy Kamal with Postgres and SSL cert to a single instance but fail miserably because connections time out…
Add sidekiq web
Enable sidekiq in skylight
Hide access to sidekiq #rubypilot
Look into deploying distribution with Kamal.
Setup Github actions Kamal deployment
install sidekiq and get it working on heroku for background jobs
Check out Kamal for Rails by DHH because I've seen @marckohlbrugge using it and it looks like 37signals are migrating all their apps from Capistrano to Kamal including HEY and maybe this is the future of Rails so I don't wanna get left behind
Configure Github Action to deploy via Kamal #til
configure redis/sidekiq
#wip from Sidekiq to Solid Queue because it's kinda insane I need to pay a minimum of $99/mo license for the reliability feature
Don't run duplicate Sidekiq workers
Configure Github Action to deploy via Kamal
Figure out why Kamal deployment fails health check
More Kamal + Docker