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3 new sign up mrr #fajarsiddiq
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disable signups for the time being #inpilot
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Sold another subscription, now at $45 MRR #blogrecorder
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Don't notify me of new product updates #wip
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Add prominent PRO upsell, because MRR has dropped all the way down to $834 #wip
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Closed 3.8k MRR Client
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Re-enable signups #expensivechat
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fix MRR calculation to not include cancelled subscriptions #wip
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disable the public sign up #influenswer
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try to go from 400/mo new paid signups to 1,000/mo signups by lowering price, because now that I disabled the old inactive Slack accounts there's space for new members and since everything is automated the cost per new member is close to $0 #nomads (test this)
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open up signups again #photoai
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#sheet2site resign up client
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Rework sign up flow #askuser
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Remove pre-signup #webtastic
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Remove pre-signup #webtastic
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turn off checkout ability on current onboarding system to prevent new signups from paying, they go to the waitlist instead. #mj
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fix sign up page #talentshare
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updated marketing website and see signups increase #spectate
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Moderate new signups #reboutme
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Shut down #faces because there's been near zero MRR the last 12 months
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