Video AI Me
keep animate prompt to reuse on image #videoaime
Generate a complete video-agency quality advertising with VIDEOAI.ME #videoaime
change tab create / edit in header #videoaime
remove sidebar ; add header #videoaime
change layout to generate media #videoaime
change ui to gen avatar #videoaime
update order form #videoaime
add generation avatar from video , photo and text #videoaime
rename project directly from sidebar #videoaime
ask to upload 5 photos or more #videoaime
add steps for empty state : avatar creation #videoaime
add smaller button to create clip #videoaime
add new ‘generate’ tab #videoaime
change Script Writer by Chat #videoaime
change script generator display #videoaime
change view for clip voice and avatar (when generated) #videoaime
add tab clip creator (first view ) #videoaime
fix infinite sidebar and video editor scroll (💀❤️css❤️💀) #videoaime
add sidebar (no overflow , fixed, no scroll) #videoaime
TEST: Generate a 1:30 minute cartoon with character and dialogue #videoaime