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Experience more network issues at Hetzner
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Still having network issues at Hetzner, start planning migration once I can get access to data again
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contact Hetzner because of random reboots during the night #spectate
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Got man-handled by Hetzner again
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get Hetzner box to respond #pieter
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fix wifi hub down issue. Again...
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do not sleep during whole night cause something has been ddos-ing #crisp help centers hard for the last 6+ hours
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look into hetzner latency #spectate
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face another outage #life
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block entire Hetzner IP block cause always fuckery #remoteok
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Sign up for Hetzner because this AWS shit is getting out of control #life
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Fixing downed servers for the 3rd time in a week and tweet about it… #blocksender
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experience 6 hours GPU total downtime at Vultr, knocking down all #mirage AI services, will migrate to Scaleway cause Vultr are 🤡
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discuss with Hetzner about server #rewardsflights
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enter server hell mode again all morning #crisp
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Signed-up to Hetzner but need to wait for them to validate my account before start using it
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FINALLY #capgo is back on track after 24h downtime, what a ride, all decided to broke in the same time
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#pingman handle network issue error
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have to pay my hetzner bill, don't want them to shut me down again lol
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Move to Hetzner #superforum
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