Realize that #kitdomains has integration with Ahrefs, but 99% of customers don’t see that because it’s only for the paid plan, so I need to add a showcase on the landing page or/and make a trial available.
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code session while waiting for a flight to Valencia from Warsaw, with a connection in Milan. #viclife
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Arrive in Warsaw #viclife
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Prepare for a short trip to Warsaw, Poland. #viclife
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Finish a 6-hour call during my 9-5.
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Doing my 9-5
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Fix issue with saving long 'registrar name' value. #kitdomains
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Morning coffee #viclife
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By tradition, drinking cocoa with my wife in matching pajamas before bed. #viclife
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Underestimate Bing
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Watching Euro 2024 #viclife
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Add dummy data #notboringtools to show people examples of what they can get.
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Post my first Github Gist #viclife…
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Add sitemap.xml to GSC #kitdomains
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Write 3 tech articles for personal blog #viclife………
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Fix titles in customer cabinet. Add link to blog in Navbar. #kitdomains
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Add badges with link #kitdomains to #notboringtools and personal blog
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Add badges to landing page #kitdomains
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Prepare a TODO list for next week.
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Dreaming about passing $11,000,000 in revenue #viclife
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