Similar todos
wake up from mayhem with my NVIDIA A16s, 70% of them were down all night and only fixed this morning by Vultr. A40 for large LLM still up fortunately #crisp
Setup Vultr server #sketchfordesignrs
fix broken nvidia a100 gpu server at vultr which has put #crisp mirage down for whole night due to being out-of-stock and no replacement physical node could be allocated
finally ready to migrate #mirage kubernetes gpu cluster from vultr to scaleway!
Pay for vultr servers
Pay $100 to Vultr
Experience serious issues with our cloud GPU provider that we're still waiting for them to fix for about 3 days 😭 #fashn
Move back #highscoredomains again back to aws & cloud66 since render seem to be down more offer these days
migrate kinesis worker to vultr
move bots to vultr server
terraform #crisp mirage cloudflare & vultr configurations
spend 1h debugging some k8s complexity-induced issue after a node failure at cloud provider for #crisp mirage gpus
#stekker respond to downtime due to outage DigitalOcean…
Fix API down for like 5 hours in AWS #fashn
provision batch of L4 and L40S GPUs at Scaleway for #mirage since our account got validated and quotas lifted
try to upgrade #crisp Mirage AI Kuberbetes cluster version, miserably fail at it cause of broken GPU image NVIDIA drivers from the cloud provider which stalled the upgrade process, destroy cluster and rebuild all infrastructure from scratch all evening 🥲