Similar todos
get splats running locally as alternative method of visualization #mused
add reveal shader on splats now instead of just gltf, no fx added yet #mused
contrib back shader vfx for splats to threejs dev repo #mused
get realttime lights working on splats #mused and real link…)
add overlay interactions #buildingo
Draw basic splats with compute shader! Big progress! #splatterock
smooth opening animation #support
Integrate the new splat implementation into the game instead of the old boring particles based splats. HUUUUGE! #splatterock
Create the new base for splatter effect that I will use for compute shader exploration #splatterock
get together first 3d gaussian splat tour w/some basic vfx at… #mused
#pintura optimize interaction with hitboxes of small shapes
give up on selective bloom pass in postprocessing b/c conflicting with other occlusion layers from environment, so fake bloom / highlighting directly with texture #mused
try spline #fajarsiddiq
first pass at integrating cuberendertarget on envmap of mesh for navigation fx more than crossfade #mused
get tasks running on webgpu #mused for combining into full scenes with splats
add sound, build night scene, and sundry other particle fx for splats tour #mused
adapt tour js to work with splats, using just position/quaterion for each tourpoint instead of moving between 360 images #mused
Expose various settings to the editor and create splat variations for different events in the game #splatterock
fix sundry bugs with splat tour & work on lighting #mused
investigate transparent videos and masking width avfoundation #infinitestories 3.0