Similar todos
adapt tour js to work with splats, using just position/quaterion for each tourpoint instead of moving between 360 images #mused
add loading indicatiors to show rendering #infinitestories 2.0
add glow to SVG #baliseacable
build different ways of highlighting individual figures and hieroglyphs, w/custom shaders, particles on path, & just transparent texture overlays #mused
add overlay interactions #buildingo
get the remaining wall annotations in the tour, but still need some work w/shader #mused
#pintura add custom SVG overlays to editor
added transition animations to #accessiblekeyboard
submit svg gradients project on ph
add glow effect button 🥹 #penelopeai
add green and red gradients to #inflationchart
add overlay text attributes and gradient dimmer #airlinelist
nuxtjs svg sprite loader
Released hues & gradient figma plugin…
added buttons to represent transitions on #infinitestories 2.0
add colors on create #jobs
extract features for overlay highlighting on walls w/Segment Anything #spaceshare
work on dust shader #mused
#pintura render background gradient in WebGL context