Similar todos
Spline experimenting time.
Spline time and learning ThreeJS materials.
Exploring with Spline to export some 3D images for my personal website #celiarozalenm
lerp between tourpoints along spline path in threejs #mused
Find out if Spline will cover my uses or if I go back to Blender.
Do a test stream about Webflow × FullPage.js × Spline tutorial #georgydesign
get splats running locally as alternative method of visualization #mused
get together first 3d gaussian splat tour w/some basic vfx at… #mused
get realttime lights working on splats #mused and real link…)
get splat interactions working with mesh&transparent occluder #mused
smooth playback #voicechanger
add reveal shader on splats now instead of just gltf, no fx added yet #mused
Settle on a lockup and color palette for Stockroom. Spline3D experimentation.
adapt tour js to work with splats, using just position/quaterion for each tourpoint instead of moving between 360 images #mused
smooth opening animation #support
add sound, build night scene, and sundry other particle fx for splats tour #mused
rough svg graphs, working with bezier curves + mouseevents #metrics