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finish threejs vanilla virtual tour setup for building gamified tours & other apps where you need to change the images #spaceshare
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get together first 3d gaussian splat tour w/some basic vfx at… #mused
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get splats running locally as alternative method of visualization #mused
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add minimap for finetuning ux/movement between 360 image points #mused
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lerp between tourpoints along spline path in threejs #mused
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fix sundry bugs with splat tour & work on lighting #mused
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make dynamic JS generated map tooltips work #hotellist
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add sound, build night scene, and sundry other particle fx for splats tour #mused
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Get each step from 360 video >> virtual tour working & spend sick/jetlagged days solving a ton of bugs in interface aligning 360 data to env, virtual tour ui, etc #spaceshare
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test conversions of 360 images to rectilinear for making splats, about 80 v&h fov gives best result so far #mused
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contrib back shader vfx for splats to threejs dev repo #mused
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Frontend for managing tourstops #matterloop
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fix maps directions embed #beachnearby
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get realttime lights working on splats #mused and real link…)
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due to webassembly shared memory restrictions, unable to deploy with embedded iframe, so just setup a janky redirect @… #mused
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Replace 3D Tours with Google StreetView or 360 Views #portalblick
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fix bugs with aligning 360 images and connecting to 360 tour coordinate system, fix many interface bugs #mused
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new method for tighter control of transitions between 360 images for walking around #mused
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remove old versions of tours from gcp storage b/c people are embedding them in iframes #mused
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prototype map to svg tool and scrap reachable audiences #downpayment
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