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🚜 finished converting my personal website to tailwind CSS. I still need a mobile update to call it final.
Got inspiration to design my personal website
Worked on a client's website #freelance
Worked for a bit on my website. I made a deal with I friend that it will be online before 24 October #celiarozalenm
Complete 3 pages of my personal website - copying and tweaking the design of an existing website to get better at design. #life
Work on #buildstreak again, rip out ChakraUI and replace with Tailwind. It feels so much more sane to write HTML/template style instead of React's everything is a component in a component imported from a component styled with props. I don't want mental friction, I want to ship stuff. Should've just went with PHP 😛
Resumed refactoring my website #web
Worked on client website #sbswe
✅ working on new mockups tonight #conf
Well, I'm reasonably satisfied with how the website has turned out — Will add personality if the idea works works.Built with Astro JS and Tailwind CSS
Got in pause 2 business proposals 😣 So this week I will focus on my website #celiarozalenm
🍟 Side project weekend: 🚧 Work-in-progress – Tried using the new Nuxt UI by NuxtLabs via CDN to create an avatar group component but it didn't work. Decided to try plain CSS instead! #lifelog
Continued working on recreating the Upwork reviews UI so I can show my Upwork reviews to potential employers who don't have Upwork accounts and thus can't easily view my Upwork reviews.
🎨 ported running website's layouts to tailwind and even 30% done looks 1000% better
#redacted V1 of the Dashboard is done. Now working on the Mobileness of it.