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Create AWS CloudWatch alarms that send a Telegram notification via a Lambda when production server CPU is too high, when DB CPU is too high or when the disk write has too high / too low anomaly (usually cuz disks are full preventing app from functioning) #prompthero
monthly alert provisioning task scheduling #alertbnb
setup a AWS account
set up alerts messages
check how to set up alerts
Configure log retention for all AWS resources #domainwatchman
Close aws account
reduced aws lambda/rds/sqs costs from $30/day to ~$8 #zonewatcher
Configure AWS Backup for all S3 objects #wip
set cron job for job alerts #sportstechjobs
add alerts #rewardsflights
add alerts #sportsjobs
add uptime alerts for #avatarai #interiorai
send daily email reminders
Setup alerts for various remote job postings #metamas
reduce EBS snapshots on AWS #statuskit
send 24 hours alert for new pricing #satellitor