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worked on how to test/keep a scraping project updated more easily
🤖 more sweep work and I optimized the Dockerfile to use a RUN cache
Get scraper running on prod #plumberjobs
🛠 moved the two last crons running on my laptop to a remote server (they were using puppeteer to control a chromium instance) #life
check why scrapping stopped to wprk #capgo
🤖 still sick but played with playwright and developed a pretty cool bot framework. might use that to automate more common tasks #mylife
re-worked one of my job scrapers and trying to decide if I should keep it or keep moving forward on it
Get puppeteer woking on heroku #auto
make run scrapping for a bit and try to debug it
day job and juggling a docker refactor
Work on automated web scraping #pagesonpages
write first prototype automated web scraper #pagesonpages
Shifted scraping to serverless functions #jonga
test scraper on production #plumberjobs