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Fix infinite scrolling on applicants list ( ) #wip
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#applicantai add pagination cuz some companies have 1,500 applicants and app become too slow
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add pagination to WIP site
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added pagination and infinite scroll #tweetsweeper
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Make responsive #wip h/t @bdlowery
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#applicantai fix update all applicants feature, because it was working only for 39 applicants cuz of pagination
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#web3jobs add pagination so I can show only 50 jobs not 800 so the website loads faster
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added infinite scroll #witsio
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fix infinity scroll loading #remoteok job posts (100 items per infinity scroll)
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Add pagination. #stateofdevs
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Add pagination to the listing #jomresplugins
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worked on implementing infinite scroll
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add pagination instead one long list #apilist
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implemented pagination the client side #infinityxml
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#fat2fit add pagination cuz 200+ a bit too much for 1 page
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replace pagination by infinitescroll because its 2018 #contactbox
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Add infinite scrolling to individual pages #awesomestufftobuy
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🎉 Add infinite scroll with Livewire and AplineJS #poweruserjobs
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Add the ability to "dismiss" an applicant at #wip
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use server pagination in app #wobaka
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