Similar todos
Tomorrow get WIP Patron badge
Did some marketing and got 18 new patrons
get second Patreon 🙌 #ss
☕️ Received 1 subscription coffee payment (US$5.45) from a patron via Buy Me A Coffee ( #socialimpactpatronage
Another paying customer 🤑
Paid for my first $20 sponsorship ad in Jannis' Tools For Creators website ( - early experiments in reinvesting revenue back into product! #pluginforcarrd
got my first annual paid subscriber for sponsorgap...super hyped 🙂 #sponsorgap
Got my first paying customer 🎉 #btfy
Second paying customer 🎉 #sitesauce
Got my FIRST pledge for paid subscription to my indie solopreneur newsletter! Wow too flattered, @Via_Benjamin! Not sure if I should though... 🤔 #lifelog #jasonleowdotcom
Have first $20k month #taglock
pray i get my first paying client #jobs
💵 Earned $108 donation from creating an audio waveform plugin for a customer #pluginsforcarrd
get my first paying subscriber $5MRR 🤑 #next
First paying customer #roastrocket
first paying customer 🤩 #mobilecavalry
get my first paying customer #daj