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Sent a loom with some feedback to @philkellr about his new landing page for
launched #zeropercent on product hunt and supported the launch
implement a basic dashboard for launch #datamachine
respond to feedback on Product HUnt… #wi
launched to product hunt #number
get feedback on landing page before launch #deva
launched #sportstechjobs on producthunt
launch new dashboard #checkoutpage
launched #sponsorgap on Product Hunt
launched on Product Hunt
launched on producthunt 🚀…
gather product feedback on chat app #freelanceproductlead
going through user feedback for the next product #clienthq
Launch in product hunt… #whatwentwelltoday
created a prototype of "business dashboard" for small businesses in prep for customer interviews next week. #beassured
launched on product hunt. #qhp
review new dashboard features #blinkloader
Launch on Instagram to get first real user feedback #ridertrails
launch on producthunt #hookeepr
launch on producthunt #npmstats