Quick High Protein

Quick High Protein


A website where you can find all the high protein recipes.
Launched April 6, 2022
Added tinymce rich text editor in the add recipe section. #qhp
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Hi Everyone,We just launched #qhp on product hunt. Please go and check it…
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launched on product hunt. #qhp
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Scheduled #qhp for the launch on product hunt for tmrw.
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sitemap.xml added #qhp
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Launched Today on wip. #qhp
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Added emojis to recipe category. Thanks to @gvrizzo for suggestion #qhp
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Added back slug and fixed the unqiue slug issue. #qhp
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Renamed the plan names. #qhp
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Added emoji in the recipe detail page, add some mt also. #qhp
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Added 8 recipes and also fix the date order. #qhp
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Live stripe added. #qhp
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Added messages notification after successfully added the recipe. #qhp
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added recipe category. #qhp
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removed slug and used uuid instead. #qhp
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fixed success_page model. removed all pk for now #qhp
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Listening LOFI music.(…) And coding #qhp. #shaz
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Almost done, have to fix the redirect issue in ngnix. #qhp
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Created droplet for qhp on digital Ocean. #qhp
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Implemented stripe webhooks. #qhp
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