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cancel a bunch of SaaSes I wasn’t using
Get offers for old projects #lifeee
cut about $60/month of subscriptions I'm not using
found 80% of #killspam compute costs, wrote out a plan of how to reduce them. 50% are firestore read ops, and 30% are cloud function compute costs. this is going to be hard.
reduce cloudflare billing by removing useless subcription #capgo
move #unistore to digital ocean. Get rid of AWS bill
resizing DigitalOcean droplets 💧 to save on their new plans
Clean up projects / repositories / cloud drive
#life Clean out old webserver that used to host client projects but now only hosts one friends website
remove redundant services from Azure #eekayonline
Clean up or archive old #oss projects and brainfarts
Clean up old releases from server to make space for new apps #codersfail