first sales on Cursor Convo Export extension #eekayonline
first live stream coding session on twitch #eekayonline
set up streamlabs and Twitch for live making and coding #eekayonline
actively using BlueSky over Twitter nowadays (…) #eekayonline
get new lead for app development #eekayonline
putting up notice for selling production ready GPT (wrapper) based Micro-SaaS to sell as clean-slate code to ship your own idea fast:… #eekayonline
written and planned 10+ tweets for next weeks on 2024MUSICx6 challenge #eekayonline
create pitch for my country/pop single for influencers and playlist editors #eekayonline
buy some exposure via groover for my single #eekayonline
add subdomain for client app and enable digitalocean's cheaper pricing #eekayonline
add video canvas to spotify for single #eekayonline
ai-generated single for apply for dutch radio 3FM #eekayonline
get first ai generated single published and available on spotify:… #eekayonline
get first song published on iTunes #eekayonline
alternate testing scenario for client #eekayonline
social media content #eekayonline
plan social media posts #eekayonline
plan content for LI #eekayonline
create instruction video using screen studio for client project #eekayonline
resolved invoice issue with Australian customer #eekayonline