Similar todos
Make script for update users stats #request
creation of a script to repair user accounts, number of projects, tasks done etc. #indiemakers
create script to alert me when broken images are found on #saasboilerplates
Update sync scripts #sparkbase
make a script to check for broken images and broken links #saasboilerplates
updated some of our import scripts to save exceptions, exception count, and the time of the last exception so that the fix_posts script doesn't fail every 15 minutes #djangonews
get all 1514 posts exported with the new script #blog2
upload and show the uploaded files in #sitegpt
create script to lookup usage of a particular identifier
Create a script to collect and update request stats #request
Make script that downloads generated files that makes a project compatible with #shipnix
complete import script and syncing #rockkick
fix nomadforum user data sync script #nomads