Similar todos
🔨 more GitHub work and updated testing library #mylife
Had some focused work on #gobiernovasco — now switching public libraries
refactoring after improvements to library #mimic
⬆️ upgrade #djangopackages to the latest good versions of libraries
🚜 Refactored several private python packages to standardize on a new testing/install setup #revsys
🚜 ported changelogs over to #jobs
Refactor and update testing utilities #stronger
fixed #djangopackages archived and deprecated packages and added test coverage
working on a new upgrade project and learning a new library to help automate some of it #mylife
Keep rewriting one library with test coverage #streampot
🚧 swapped out a third party model history library with one that I'm writing myself. This has been a blocker for way too long so time to nih a solution to get it right. #conf
- then looked at the masstransit library ✅ #experimentingnewtool
🚜 transitioned to whisper turbo for a few projects #research
Add switch for changing test type #beep
🚜 revamped a #djangocon automation project and created a new repo to for a new framework
Started implementing a library #shipit
move old lib to new core #shipr
continue iterating on #crisp constellation rust async migration since some libraries are not compatible
🚜 refactored repo imports #mylife