Similar todos
Started working on a new project, while I'm waiting for library issues to be resolved with my other project #lifeandstuff
working on a new upgrade project and learning a new library to help automate some of it #mylife
Had some focused work on #gobiernovasco — now switching public libraries
Started implementing a library #shipit
refactoring after improvements to library #mimic
✅ fixed a bunch of github3 library issues from last night's #djangopackages updates (oops)
🚜 transitioned from one testing library to another which was recently renamed #conf
Reformulate the problem that has been blocking me into a clear and concise version and realized theres a faster albeit more complex/nasty code way to do it, and I should probably just do that way for the time being instead of rearchitecting the core data types. #codebird
🤖 Took a stab at rewriting parts of Claude Engineer to make file and project storage better. #research
Fixed a problem with the code I'd written for my client that had been bugging me and which I knew would look bad if it was noticed by end-users.
🗃 add a reusable history app which saves model changes as json #conf
worked on more state machines for modeling individual library requirements
move logic and models to seperate libraries #trucost
I fixed another issue in #speechzap and wrote the first tests to gradually start controlling the technical debt.
link component library i've been working on #zenstate
overhauled another scraper/processor with much better tests and fixed several non-obvious bugs. I should have written tested upfront.
worked out an issue for how to do version control on my Event datastructure #conf
🐘 added simple history to project for tracking model changes
🚜 pushed models for a new #djangopackages blog/changeset feature
I wrote another test while fixing a bug in #speechzap, which led me to the conclusion that I need to redesign the code and rearrange the data encryption to reduce mocking.