Marc's Life
Install Hotwire Dev Tools browser extension… #life
Submit some of my Rails apps to #life
Reconfigure Cursor (VS Code) after trying to explain my setup to @AndreyAzimov and realize that my setup was a bit of a mess with many unused plugins #life
#life get gift from @AndreyAzimov
Co-work with @AndreyAzimov #life
Arrive in Portugal after short holiday break in Netherlands #life
Play Red Alert 2 #life
Buy "The Invention of Dr. Nakamats" documentary on Vimeo… #life
Outperform S&P500 by 50% in 2024 #life (+37% vs +25%)
Claim ~$1,000 in WalletConnect Token airdrop #life
Prevent neighbor’s door from slamming the whole day cuz it doesn’t close properly #life
Do AirPods Pro 2 hearing test and see I’m not deaf #life
Make Raycast extension to see recent GitHub Workflow runs in menubar (to see if recent deploy attempts failed/succeeded/etc) #life
Finish reading ‘The Pragmatic Programmer’ #life
See my laser eyes avatar (powered by @AndreyAzimov) on Typefully homepage #life
Write simple shell alias "haml2html" that takes all the .haml files in the current directory and passes it through claude to convert it to HTML. Uses "llm" command #life
Log in to Pieter IRC through his Windows 3.11 emulator #life
Finish listening to Sapiens audiobook #life