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Go viral with #wip screenshot about travel routers…
💰 Purchased and configured a GL.iNet GL-AR750S-Ext Gigabit Travel router to take the edge off of traveling and device configuration. #mylife
📶 setup a new travel router and added tailwind VPN to it by default for my upcoming trips #mylife
rewrite and publish part with travel hacks #flyingdutch
read the Travel Hacking Handbook from @jelmerdeboer #life
Bypass stupid hotel wifi speed limit by removing the Ethernet cable from the TV and plugging it into my travel router #life
get #nomads in the Guardian…
use template of travel hacking handbook #kast
read about plane wifi #rojak
Write daily: TripMode: A Must-Have Mac App for Traveling 👉 #nesinio
search “best app for travelers” articles and list the authors #traveltxt
write new blog post on why Google Fi is the best phone service for travelers and nomads… #altitude
write blog/email about tanstack router #blog2
buy (4g) mifi router for WiFi on camping #life
write article on production lessons learned from TanStack Router #blog2
📲 added mobile hotspot to my phone plan for our road trip to see family #mylife
Spent 4 minutes trying to find the name of my travel wifi router to reply @levelsio tweet.
add some examples of travel hacking practices #flyingdutch
write medium post on going nomad