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Added "click me" tooltip to ICQ spinning flower as users thought page was loading! (That's such a nice prank) Also added meta tags and footer - #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom #icq
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Made a blue screen of death site for satire/memes, in under 30min -… #indiejourney
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Created a fun indie hacking meme #life
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Not went this viral in a loooong time -… #indiejourney
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Created a meme. Do WIP like meme? :D
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Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit #jasonleowdotcom
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Went viral with a reply but would have never known if I didn't accidentally check back. So it's true huh... the reach is in the replies now 🧐 -… #indiejourney
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Post a meme on WIP.CHAT
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First time experiment: A different media format for tweets using Canva.. static image on video background for algo boost -… #indiejourney
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🧪 Experiment: Tweeted out my first longform tweet, repurposed from today's Lifelog post -… #indiejourney #lifelog
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Not done a Twitter thread in a looong while! But felt like I needed to write this down at least for myself -… #indiejourney #lifelog
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Joined Threads - #indiejourney
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Realised personal website isn't responsive so added viewport meta tag. Added status tags to mobile. #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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First time in long time seeing a tweet go viral immediately versus the slow ramp up on 2nd day -… #indiejourney
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#indiehacker Prepared Retrospective of my first FAIL for #justcryptobar - link: faint-crayfish-f1e.notion.sit…
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Got viral on Twitter with a meme I created 6 months ago but forgot to post 😂…
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Decided to f it and just deploy the rough version first. Will add domain later, and task logs to come - #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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Added more features to personal site & tasklog - URL links to projects, different colored states, hover classes, click through to project pages, more projects, if-else for years #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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Tried to make a linkedin profile photo editor for fun and social good, using plain javascript, but got stuck with canvas issues when drawing the darn arc banner that even combined forces of Claude Sonnet 3.5 and ChatGPT-4o can't solve 😩 #indiejourney #socialimpactpatronage
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Make a WIP meme
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