Similar todos
✨ exciting day with a great reception via twitter and more signups than I would have guessed 🍾 #djangonews
get my first sponsorship payment 🥹🥹🥹 #saasboilerplates
Wrote my first ever post 🤞… #writeoften
got my first trial user! #invitemember
1st international subscriber! 🎉 #lifeprogress
#cropguide first customer! 🎉
Sold my first micro SaaS sideproject 🙌
got 1st IRL user for 👋
got my first annual paid subscriber for sponsorgap...super hyped 🙂 #sponsorgap
First (free) signup that wasn't me to #redirecting !! 🎉 🏆 🎈
guys i just shipped my first project 😭😭 - Apple Notes => Blog with no code.
Now marketing, no idea where to start 🥲
Got my first freelance project 🥳 #life
finally bought domain name and started coding first project #ship30
100 registered users 🎉 #hocus
#me 🎉 got help from a twitch streamer for the first time
Had my first product research call + Started a new project #shipit
realize I’ve just acquired my first customer ever 🍾 #earsafe
I've made it! First pre-sale! #mistral 🥳
Did my first-ever Twitch stream with someone watching and chatting, it was very motivating. #rhymecraft