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✅ added two more tech conferences to my dataset #conf
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🏨 two more conferences added and found a nice resource diverse tech events
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Attend first conference in-person in over 3 years #jovial
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Joined a meetup for the first time after the pandemic ( and there was CS Dojo ) 🥹 #dailylife
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attended EduTech conference
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#me 🎉 Register for my WordCamp Toronto 2018 (my first WordCamp!!!)
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attend fintech conference #addison
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attend a crypto conference #life
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Apply to women in tech conferences #ss
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Attend Black Tech Week conference #jovial #dev
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co-hosted monthly conference organizer's tech meetup
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get my first talk for a summit accepted! (Cross-platform summit by Geekly) #eekayonline
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went to listen to conference talks
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first time realtime streaming online conference #life :)
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had my first gig (knowledge sharing session) for my own company #eekayonline
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Attend my first healthcare summit. #jovial
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attend tech event in NL
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✏ expanded my conference data by x2 to x3 today with the back history of many popular tech conferences #conf
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got accepted to speak at another conference
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✨ added a few more conferences and working on changing branding over to my new .dev domain #conf
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