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one last try to make my chatbot work. Damn Web Speech APIs are buggy!!!
created AI Assistant Chat for my #docgptai. So far amazing results to replace typical online chat to reduce time on online support. Going to collect top 20 questions from online support and test/train the AI Assitant Chat Bot #instabotgpt
make the bot polite #wipmusic
attend chatbot meetup
Make my LLM chatbot quote its sources ✍️ It's so cool to see it work! #foxquery
refactor progress state management for chatbot conversations #botreach
updated #research to better handle adding custom context to chat messages. lots of cleanup too,
#pn added a support chat bot so I don't have to deal with thousands of individual chat logs.
Created a cool chatbot with Open AI vision + websockets to let the user analize the charts
integrated chatra bot
Chatbot will start answering now based on files content too #sitegpt
work on showing messages sent from bot using ai as such in #crisp chatbox
design and implement chatbot logo #valenciana
added all the command to bot #makergoalbot
test if bot works in 1:1 chat
try to fix chatgpt bot