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Found a potentially-superior caffeine regimen of 1 coffee upon waking, then (some hours later) a 50mg "Caffeine+" pill that has additional vitamins and amino acids that caffeine apparently drains from the body (L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, and B-vitamins), then a second coffee later.
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Using a countdown timer to take caffeine at a specific rate has turned out to be an absolutely huge productivity boost. I set an alarm for 1.5hrs past a 50mg Caffeine+ pill, 3hrs for a ~100mg cup of coffee. W/o the timer I delay re-upping and slip into Twittering/YouTubing for hours without noticing it.
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Slept surprisingly well considering how much caffeine I had yesterday, I think going to the gym and sticking to my normal sleep hour helped. I did 1 coffee, then 1 Caffeine+ pill, then 1 coffee, with no second Caffeine+ pill.
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Wasn't feeling productive yesterday b/c I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before, so I stopped trying to work after 1 coffee and 1 Caffeine+, told myself to focus on getting to bed on time, slept well last night (~9-10hrs), and I'm feeling good today. Just took a Caffeine+ to start the day and set my timer for 90 mins until I'll have a coffee or tea.
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- [x] Coffee at least 90 minutes after wake up #life
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- [x] Coffee at least 90 minutes after wake up #life
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Did a full Pieter-style workday, 2 coffees, 2 caffeine pills, >300mg caffeine, ~9hrs, now going for a massage b/c my back hurts and I feel exhausted. IDK if I could keep this pace up for a year or more.
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- [x] 1st coffee (w/ 100mg L-theanine): 🕒07:00 #life - [x] Stop Circadian Rhythm TRF fast 🕒12:30 (15h 57m streak: 90) #life - [x] Amino acids: 🕒15:24 (1/2, streak: 8) #life - [x] 2nd coffee: 🕒10:44 #life - [x] 3g of creatine: 🕒17:50 (2/2, streak: 8) #life - [x] Amino acids: 🕒20:30 (2/2, streak: 7) #life - [x] Start Circadian Rhythm TRF fast 🕒 20:30 #life
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Recaffeinate and take 10-15 power nap before caffeine kicks in
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- [x] 1st coffee (w/ 100mg L-theanine): 🕒06:40 #life - [x] Stop Circadian Rhythm TRF fast 🕒10:46 (14h 21m streak: 89) #life - [x] Amino acids: 🕒12:15 (1/2, streak: 7) #life - [x] 3g of creatine: 🕒15:40 (2/2, streak: 7) #life - [x] 2nd coffee: 🕒09:00 #life - [x] Amino acids: 🕒20:30 (2/2, streak: 6) #life - [x] Start Circadian Rhythm TRF fast 🕒20:33 #life
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Drink 3 coffees. #stayingawake
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Experiment with higher caffeine consumption (4 cups of coldbrew) #life
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Get caffeine
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Went to a cafe I've never been to before and took a 220mg caffeine pill to power through my procrastination to start working on #rhymecraft again
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order caffeine pills #nils
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Eat and get some more caffeine. On 3 hr of sleep
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- [x] 2x creatine (streak: 1) #life - [x] 1st coffee (w/ 100mg L-theanine): 🕒08:50 #life - [x] Stop Circadian Rhythm TRF fast 🕒12:37(17h 6m streak: 96) #life - [x] 2x amino acids (streak: 1) #life - [ ] 2nd coffee: 🕒❌ #life - [x] Start Circadian Rhythm TRF fast 🕒20:19 #life
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coffee (but less than normal to avoid afternoon crash) #life
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- [x] Coffee at least 90 minutes after wake up #life - [x] Second coffee no later than 12:30 #life - [x] Circadian Rhythm TRF fast (streak: 100) #life - [x] NSDR - [x] 4-7-8 breathing technique at least twice a day (week 8) #life - [x] Creatine & amino acids (streak: 5) #life
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Did another 9hr workday on my own stuff, I can definitely see how I could end up a millionaire if I kept this up for a few years. Stopping 90mins after taking my last 50mg caffeine pill of the day, gonna play games until it's time to go to sleep.
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