Similar todos
Improving AI persona prompts #usai
Rewrote the OpenAI prompts to improve costs #ledgerpost
Improved prompts #melies
#checkyourlist Improve gen ai feature, add logging for rejected and accepted lists to improve prompts in future.
Improving prompt idea suggestion #melies
Analyze AI SEO strategy and tweak prompts #typetest
more AI work over lunch and after work to get smart prompts working
Ask user feedback for inline AI rewriting options #blogrecorder
tweak #therapistai AI API parameters to make it less repetitive
Improve ai feature for #checkyourlist
#applicantai add a prompt to each question, so AI will know how to score each answer. thanks @marc for an idea
#applicantai show user how custom ai promts works
More prompt improvements #nutrichat
Cut AI bills by 50% by updating to a newer model, simplifying prompt language, and forcing a response format. Killed two birds with one stone, because this type of image doesn't fuck up the response anymore (the old AI model used to go haywire and try to solve the JS quiz instead of listening to my prompt) and Watchdog is now way more reliable + cheaper to operate #watchdog !private
Update AI prompt engineering job board #promptlyhired