Jason Templeton
Added new feature to new ‘name genius’ project. Name pending…
Learned about Supanuxt and if I can use it for my next project
Drew some mockups for the next UI update of #ledgerpost
Created ability to use bookmarklet to save articles #ledgerpost
Wrote a blog post about adding Feature Flags to #ledgerpost…
🚢 Add Unleash Feature Flags to #ledgerpost
Update Stripe integration to be more robust and handle failing transactions #ledgerpost
Create twitter account for #ledgerpost --> @ledgerpost53011
Added Archive button and fixed weird issue with tailwind not rendering locally #ledgerpost
🐞🔨 Fixed duplicate article bug #ledgerpost
Continue to tweak CSS. Adjust business logic to reduce OpenAI requests to lower costs #ledgerpost
Rewrote the OpenAI prompts to improve costs #ledgerpost
Upgrade redis and fix system service #ledgerpost
Improved Trending page to display AI summary #ledgerpost