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resume work on deployment the new #crisp analytics backend live, after morning coffee
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Deployed in prod with Plausible Analytics and new componnents #mistral
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Set up Plausible analytics before the launch tomorrow #shipnix
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Shipped an early version to Railway of #dnsbuddy and started to do some load testing. Seeing some decent overhead for some DNS responses anywhere from 100ms to 800ms.
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test in production and fail 😅
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enable more analytics in prod #jasp
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Ship the new updates to production #formcarry
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implemented analytics (and it actually works this time 💪) #tba
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shipped the changed to production #witsio
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Started working on analytics #saasco
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Shipped v3 of #jsonify 🎉🎉🎉…
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setup analytics #wobaka
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#newsbetters setup analytics
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released free tool yesterday, looking into enterprise grade analytics today.... overkill maybe 😬🙃
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Shipped crash fixes for #ubidrop
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load analytics only for production #til
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BeamAnalytics is working now! #astronote
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🚀 deployed a favorite package feature for testing into production #djangopackages
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first analytics report backend #wobaka
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first analytics report #wobaka
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