Similar todos
worked on a new field tracking system for job website so I can track which updates which bots/scripts make to fields
worked out some rough spots in my to-be-named github app/bot
adds opengraph placeholder support for job board #jobs
made a bunch of UI improvements for jobs website
Today, I finally automatted adding art to #randomdailyart and #randomdailyartai.
Wrote a few scripts that download the art images and data. Upload to bunndycdn. Call chatgpt and get tags and descriptions. Create a new entry in the sites.
So much better! I spend an hour a week doing this all manually.
🚜 refactored Job status options to more easily separate bots and humans
finished api to get jobs from companies using greenhouse and job lever for job postings and run cron job to save them to own database which will save me a lot of time! 💪 #sportstechjobs
updated and updated three projects that are mostly bots I use to do other things. they are refreshed with a standardized deployment setup now which makes them easier to maintain #servers
🚀 updated day job website to sort out some confusing bits #revsys
Done with the finishing touches for the AI Jobs Board
Code jobs bot for a new premium job board #jobboardsearch
🤖 worked on some local system automation to manage/update my 450+ projects
Implement 2 job board job bots #jobboardsearch
worked on job website tests on one of the scrapers
created a working bot. #cybergpt
Created a process to look for keywords in job title and description to auto-assign tags. #poweruserjobs .
Improve logic so more jobs are being posted by the bots #jobboardsearch
Frontend, cleanup/refactoring job/blog for #fullstackjob
worked on my own buffer/typefully like app to help schedule mastodon accounts #djangonews
Add job tags #rocketships