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Add @mentions in todo comments #wip
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You can now comment on todos #wip 💬 💬
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Add TODO #playemojis
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Make full todo clickable so it expands and you can leave a comment, just like Twitter h/t @levelsio #wip
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Don't include todo comments in a user profile's comment count, as we don't show these comments (yet) h/t @yhdesai #wip
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Truncate long links in todos and comments #wip h/t @moul
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replace all instances of todo’s with todos #wip h/t @daniellockyer
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Auto-focus reply textarea on expanding todo #wip h/t @levelsio
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fix paragraphs in all articles 🤞 #blog2
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#notes Add basic todo list formatting
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fix bug where todo images could not be edited #wip h/t @levelsio
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strip redundant hashtags when composing todos tweet h/t @adriaanvanrossum #wip
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Automatically resize textarea for long-ass todos #todotab
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add ability to add pending todos by typing /todo something you plan to do #menubar
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working on how we handle paragraphs #outline
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Change todo form from single line textfield to textarea so the @mentions work better and your text wraps nicely if you have a long todo like this one. However, we don't show newlines yet on the site so don't try that #wip
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Fix sorting of todos #wip h/t @macmartine
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Fix bug where links in todos weren't clickable #wip h/t @philipithomas
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remove stray paragraphs #otter
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fix bad paragraph breaks #blog2
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