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Fix bug where links in todos weren't clickable #wip h/t @philipithomas
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fix bug where upload previews wouldn’t show up when editing todo #wip /cc @levelsio
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fix bug where tapping todo image on mobile would also expand todo and open keyboard h/t @levelsio #wip
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Fix bug on iOS where todo chevron (used to edit/delete) was really small #wip h/t @levelsio
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Fix bug where dropdown menu would continue to show after moving todo h/t @yhdesai #wip
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Fix bug where dropdown menus sometimes wouldn't work (e.g. when creating todo through composer on homepage) h/t @gvrizzo #wip
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#filepond fix bug in image-edit plugin
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fix bug edit #remoteok
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fix todo sorting/dragging bug h/t @gvrizzo #wip
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look into possible bug that prevents editing of older todos #wip cc @kovacsmate
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Fix bug where todos marked as done via @wipbot would not get broadcasted back to the chat #wip h/t @levelsio
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fix bug when editing existing artwork #ca
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Fix z-index bug with todo profiles #wip h/t @mabbs
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Fix bug to do with editing checklists and write UI tests for editing checklists #checkyourlist
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fix bug where product todo permalinks didn’t work anymore #wip
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Fix bug where images could no longer be easily saved due to absolutely positioned div over it h/t @levelsio #wip
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editor bug fix #simplemail
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Fix todo editing which I broke yesterday #wip
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Fix the bug in the previous todo.. #webtastic
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fix bug for image uploader
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