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add telegram link to social #sketchfordesignrs
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add Telegram link to settings page #nomads
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add Connect Telegram link #photoai
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add #nomads moderator to the Telegram
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add telegram and twitter link #entryleveljobs
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Comply with the new telegram rules #wtmns
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Connect Telegram
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whitelist #nomads Telegram links within Telegram chat
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whitelist Introduce Yourself channel for URL linking #nomads Telegram
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add underline to telegram group link so it's obvious
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add telegram group link to footer #screenhunt
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Remove support link to Telegram. #chatmod
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Add report form link to Telegram group description #wip
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add buttons to diff parts of site in welcome message #nomads on Telegram
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get set up on telegram
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Make a Telegram group for #lucidbot
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add streak reminders on telegram #wip h/t @AndreyAzimov
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add Twitter share, Telegram and Whatsapp links for referrals #rebase
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try #nomads Telegram sub channels
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Add message links to Telegram rule violations because a customer asked for it. Only works with public telegram groups with usernames because Telegram is stupid and doesn't let you link to messages in other group types #watchdog !private
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