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🔨 Fixed/rebuilt some of my hosting setup and I realized I need to migrate one of my primary databases because it's so old newer Djangos don't want to talk to it.
move bug board to my own domain #nomads #remoteok #interiorai #photoai #hoodmaps #inflationchart #readmake #profilereview et al
🖥 migrate #grpcbin to new hosting
bring server back
Stared rebuilding my personal site yesterday evening #pl
Upgrade self-hosted Plausible
Notice I accidentally changed nameservers so now everything is broken #imagekit
started to move my blog from Ghost to Bridgetownrb
some backlink hosted with #fullstackjob
terminal: add domain of #voiceoversdream to webhost (uberspace)
🤖 letting Sweep do about $10 worth of updates to see if it's worth while running self-hosted. It has a ton of potential but has been more broken than working today.
🔨 hammered out an interesting project for building/hosting super quick and easy to update websites. felt cute. might keep it.
Rewrite download functionality because I just broke it #screenshots
Got my old project to work again :D #matosdfm
use github as host #swakemudi