Similar todos
Write post on X about ChatGPT advanced voice mode
🤖 tried out ChatGPT to mixed results
Improve twitter bio with ChatGPT #vivancolors
write blog about playing around with OpenAI and ChatGPT #blog2
write quick twitter thread about using ChatGPT as an SEO consultant to get it off my mind #blog2
experimented with asking v0 to suggest prompts to improve what GPT Engineer did 😅 #learnwebdev
Fed 1 hour of WhatsApp voice notes to Whisper for transcription, then used ChatGPT to summarize them, and finally chatted with the notes to quickly extract the relevant insights #surrealism #life
experimenting with ChatGPT 4o
Experiment with fine-tuning GPT-3 for some programmatic SEO ideas #startupjobs
🤖 sat down and had ChatGPT write some GPT4(ish) code for me
make TikTok about GPT4 review web based on my tweet #life
Experiment with GPT-3
🤯 Super underrated feature of ChatGPT - computer vision. It transcribed the words on the image PERFECTLY that I wanted to use for my writing today. Mindblown. It did well with the corporate logos, of some pretty niche companies (AI).. only got 1 wrong. #listskit #lifelog
🤖 used ChatGPT to help write a YouTube playlist to markdown script today. So fast.
prototyped some category description generation using the ChatGPT api.
Complete survey analysis with ChatGPT code explorer… #useattractor
try better code helpers than chatGPT 3.5 - after getting MUCH advice on Twitter tried GPT4, Perplexity, trying to get access to Claude, installed bolt AI
used ChatGPT to break the ice on a half dozen small projects with a goal of eventually automating them #mylife
write article about how ChatGPT is replacing the programming tutorial #blog2