Similar todos
Fix a bug in the updater lambda #domainwatchman
Measure the performance of the updater lambda #domainwatchman
Improve logging of the updater lambda to make it easier to spot errors #domainwatchman
Delete the updater lambda and setup the updater as a Fargate task #domainwatchman
Work on adding domain changes logging to the updater lambda #domainwatchman
update check-in lambda functions #ayht
fix a broken package_updater cron process that was erroring #djangopackages
fix issue that made lambda hang on youtube and twitter links #techletterapp
Containerize the updater lambda and prepare to run it on AWS Fargate #domainwatchman
Improve error logging in the updater task #domainwatchman
fix critical loop crash in the updater #capgo
successfully deploy alpha build of golang uptime checker on lambda (first ever lambda deployment) #httpscop
fix to support for screenshots, but now the lambda isn't working #techletterapp
aggregate data from uptime checkers running on lambdas #httpscop
Clean up logging in the updater task #domainwatchman
Figure out how Auto Updater thing works #wipdesktop
create updater #homestretch
figure out AWS lambda locations 🌍 I am going to use for uptime checker of #httpscop
bot update, debug #indiemakers