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Write tests for the update lambda #domainwatchman
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Fix a bug in the updater lambda #domainwatchman
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Improve logging of the updater lambda to make it easier to spot errors #domainwatchman
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Investigate why the updater lambda stopped working two days ago #domainwatchman
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update check-in lambda functions #ayht
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Delete the updater lambda and setup the updater as a Fargate task #domainwatchman
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Schedule the updater lambda to run once at night #domainwatchman
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Work on adding domain changes logging to the updater lambda #domainwatchman
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time lambda functions
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Containerize the updater lambda and prepare to run it on AWS Fargate #domainwatchman
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aggregate data from uptime checkers running on lambdas #httpscop
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successfully deploy alpha build of golang uptime checker on lambda (first ever lambda deployment) #httpscop
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Upgrade Lambda memory to improve SSR speed #gistreader
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write article about speeding up a lambda by 33% #blog2
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research lambda and how to update data quickly with new setup
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upgrade esbuild, fix lambda deploy #codewithhugo
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Script stats gathering across farm via lambda #netlandish
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created staging lambda function
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Make the updater lambda skip sending emails when account email notifications are turned off #domainwatchman
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Rebuild lambda functions. NAR #netlandish
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