Similar todos
switch from in-app purchase to revenuecat (beta) #captime
switch from android to iPhone ✌️
complain about shitty, backwards big but old payment providers #misc
Gave in to the logistical & emotional need for payouts to Stripe and moved all my plugin AGAIN, to Payhip. Sorry Lemon Squeezy you have nicer UX but I can't deal with having my revenue data in 2 places...and the dopamine cold turkey of Stripe notifications! 🔔 #pluginsforcarrd
Cancel + switch business bank, because they just increased fees #freelance
Integrate revenuecat with new iOS app
switch banking 2/2 so I can stop paying the crazy fees
figure out how to avoid apple fees on the appstore
change Namecheap to Revolut CC to avoid fees
ship #unistore ios app
Research payment processor for macOS app.
Sniff iOS traffic and reverse engineer my new gym's app; and hack together an API wrapper to auto-book slots for me, because their app is absolutely kanker, I just don't wanna use it, and I will not use it – but the gym workers have already scolded me multiple times for not using it and the relationship might be tensioning because of my unwillingness to use the app. So this script auto looks for available training slots and auto-books them for me so I don't have to use the app ever again and the gym owners remain happy #life
#threader2 fix iOS 12 crash when buying premium