Similar todos
Change text selector style #creativity
improve TestEditor component #promptmize
Make it easier to select a text to get all styling options. #mindwave /cc @adriaanvanrossum
Improved selected text feature UI #fridaygpt
different interaction/selection indicators depending on text or whole entry selection #blip
#twitterqna Enhance the text parser functionality.
improve text editor #perspectiva
smartly generate selectors #cssscan
update layout of test results selector and test time/runner button #optimizetoolset
mock-up new test editor
improve looks page-selector
start getting selectors in a diff way #cssscan
use custom text selection color #wip
Some UI for tests pages #oneclicktest
write UI tests for appearance preferences #blip
Redesign layout of test page #oneclicktest
improve task styling/editing #essential
hover + active + checked states for Test Creation radio buttons #rayfeed