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suspend all tests for expired users #juggler
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test show sign up cta after >3 city opens and high visit count (>10) to convert repeat user to sign up "you've reached your free usage limit" #nomads
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arranged 5 more user tests for #skillmap
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performance tests on 100k+ sessions #livesession
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test login limits #wi 🔥🔥🔥
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do A/B/C/D test #nomads limit usage and sign up modal after 5, 10, 15 or 25 visits and see which results in most sign ups
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add minimum user treshold for measurement of statistical significance of parameter testing so a few users don’t ruin the data #photoai
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get user to test #ing
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Pass 10,000 users #handlehorse
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let users test #thx
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Pass 200,000 users #roomai
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Test #altochat with actual users on actual live website
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test on mobile with group of people #listentogether
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tests for invites & users #klart
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test remove new user hero and load website straight into functional page but limited after ~15 visits and show minimalist sign up modal then #nomads
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Build infinte running test which tests the visits twice per minute and warns me when the amount is not correct (less or more) #simpleanalytics
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Notify users when they almost reach the free plan limits #mindwave
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reach 25K users/m #gamequitters
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user testing feedback
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don't limit users <5 visits with sign up notices etc. because that annoys new users, only do if they've visited >5 times #nomads
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