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Show users what are their limits on their Subscription plan and enforce those limits #vibes
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Notify users of new paid plan
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v1.1 - Notify installing user if free plan runs out of matches by e-mail #sparkly
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Only show the `Message Limit Reached` error message for free users #sitegpt
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add alert when user changes plan a lot #photoai
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add "monthly limits reached" email to #userdesk
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Check why new subscribed user still see they are limited by the old plan #capgo
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Show a suggestion to upgrade to the pro plan when the user reaches the domain limit #domainwatchman
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Notify users 1 day before the trial ends #mindwave
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Figure out how to limit the app for free users #venturecost
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Update user cancel limits based on subscription plan #ai
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setting up usage warning emails once active subscriber hits a certain % of usage. That way, we can support them better on a higher plan, or ask them to reduce their certificates count. Currently using: Supabase Edge functions, Resend API, Supabase pg_cron, pg_net #scoredetect
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Manually scheduled emails to remind free trial users 3 days in advance that $10 subscription charge will be starting soon #lifelog
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send out email to users on free plan #spectate
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Notify users with unpaid accounts in-app #writeas
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add “You’ve reached your free usage limit” if free user has visited site >10 times, has clicked tab in city >3 times (reset if new city is opened) #nomads
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Personally mailing most active users to nudge them Premium Plan with first month FREE #albertbro
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Send follow up emails to new users on the free plan from PH launch #drawsql
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Add warning when user attempts to replace plan
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Set up notification when user starts free account #yttoig
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