Similar todos
fixed a watchtower lifecycle bug in my django/docker setup…
Automate container updates using Watchtower #formkite
- setup an initial draft of post_gen_project hook for dockerized_django ✅ #greendeploy
more django docker updates
worked on a docker-django starter OSS project #mylife
🚀 deployed a new Watchtower version of my mostly automated #servers farm. I updated one project to test that post-update hooks are running
built a service which generates a docker-compose file for Django apps #mylife
finished docker matrix rebuild for django base image
Set up sending logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs via Docker #simpleportfolio
finished out more meetings but made a quick MVP Django Docker tool that I hadn't thought of perviously #mylife
dusted off dev container setup #djangopackages
Rewrite the settings/ for dockerized-django
- clean up the initial local install bugs for greendeploy-starters/dockerized-django ✅ #greendeploy
🐳 more Django Docker work #research
implement docker healthchecks or sth with
update #shaunlol docker container and to allow installation.
more docker deploy work #conf