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Win credit card payment dispute, because the customer was nice enough to contact their bank and revert it. Instead, I now do a proper refund. #tweetphoto
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get response from customer who requested chargeback, saying it was a mistake (!), and ask him to withdraw dispute 🤞 instead of paying again #propertyvendors
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Send email about charge that needs to be reversed
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do customer support #readmake to refund someone
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Fix a customer issue with #ipregistry credit balance
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Resolve PayPal & bank fraud disputes #life
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emailed customer #pacafood
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make customer super happy just by replying to their email, after they freaked out about a 'service cancelled' PayPal notification when I manually stopped the sub at their request #propertyvendors
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Refund "detractor" customer and issue refund
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give repeat customer 20% off because they are having issues paying (?) even though all I see are self-cancelled payments #propertyvendors
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write automated chargeback dispute refund bot email #nomads
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#finance. call bank about refund
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refund a customer #thundercontent
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send email to 300 customers to retry because better than refunding $12,000 #avatarai
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Got a refund request from a big customer :/ #capgo
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refund and email #photoai annual customer whose credits didn’t refresh
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#knit Customer refund
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call bank to open fraud dispute after someone literally wiped out my bank account #life
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check if #rebase customer refunded because he asked but he already refunded
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make email chargeback work #nomads
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