Similar todos
Team admins can change or delete logs #mindwave
Team admins can see sent invites and revoke access #mindwave
design new #crisp feature for v4: team transparency logs
Members admin #saasco
make visually more difference between the personal log and the team log #mindwave
VERY scrappy team admin panel with working invite + cancel invite + see all team members + delete a team member 👩👩👦👦 #wfhland
🔨 converted admins to support history management
User can add a team #orchetta
#relativity add/remove users from a team
Make is clear for team members that /account is only visible to admins #simpleanalytics
Do admin and support #contraptionco
Write update to team #work
Allow users to see current team only #orchetta
#slackdiscord Make team on Discord so that @levelsio can edit the bot too
allow admins to edit/delete anyone’s todo’s 😈 #wip
Implement moderation features for studio chat #contracting
Admin tasks on all boards #fullstackjob