Similar todos
Implement related posts #contracting
Don't exclude current post from "related posts" database query, but instead remove it when rendering. This way the query and part of the fragment cache can be shared across different posts #startupjobs
Add related articles to blog #ss
Add back "related posts" section with Turbo Frames #startupjobs
optimize posts#show and collections#show queries #startupjobs
seach post feature #ext200wad
add before post after post #shakedos
fixed recent posts bug #financialtoolbelt
sort posts by date
🍟 Side Project Weekend: Bug fixes for Related Posts feature – renamed it to "Discover more: Sourced from other writers across Lifelog" (directly stolen from Twitter), positioned it after comments instead of above so that the separation between og post and related posts is clear, fixed text overflow issue, fixed duplicate posts using .filter, styling/spacing tweaks #lifelog
sort posts by most recent first #youdontneedwp
add sidebar with linked posts #blog3
Add related articles section to blog that is automatically inserted #sparkly
Fix bug where related posts would get loaded inside turbo frame #startupjobs
sort user/questions by most recent first (created_at DESC) #wip