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Create REST API for generating images without using Puppeteer
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Screenshots with Puppetter and create-react-app working happily together! #createpin
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create og image from html and puppeteer #aviaryanin
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No replies yet a simple API to capture web site screenshots
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make #nomads stats social media image screenshot of the average nomad, to do that had to make jQuery JS Emoji fallback and find Apple 200x200px size emojis and manually duplicate emoji files because the unicode codes differ somehow, e.g. 1f3f3-fe0f-200d-1f308.png has to be 1f3f3-1f308.png but now it works with the screenshot generator because it doesn’t support proper colorful Apple emojis as it runs on Linux
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switch to for screenshots as it has better emoji support #wip ( h/t @deadcoder0904 )
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Create app store/google play screenshots using #datr
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Playing with image generator with NextJS and Puppeteer for a new project I am starting
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make screenshot API work for #interiorai
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prototype screenshot API for social media images on #nomads
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Implement an emoji picker that I got from npm, because I'm too lazy to build one myself #currently3
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#drupal Trying wkhtmltopdf and exploring Puppeteer to generate PDF files.
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create prototype with puppeteer #imagekit
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Made my first custom GPT just for fun - 3D Emoji Generator - A DALLE-3 generator that converts any emoji into a 3D illustration, Thought since I'm doing this a lot for my website assets, might as well try to make a basic one.. still loads to improve I feel as it keeps adding smiley faces to emoji where there's no smiley face -… #indiejourney
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BIG Allow users to screenshot any site using their secret key (for Nathanael K) #enpose
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🖼 setup pageres to pull nice screenshots of website images #djangonews
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automate signup tests w Puppeteer #klart
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#chartpoet use puppeteer to capture video
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add css-emojis to the site… #sketchfordesignrs
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example website mockup #lopplistan
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