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create a neural network #ciphey
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learn Neural Networks #life
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build neural net #ai
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Get the deep neural network working #ciphey
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📖 read neural network from scratch |
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watch more python neural network stuff #ciphey
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worked on more tests for a machine learning project
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rough implementation: predict model for full version
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Experiment with AI 🧪🧠
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NN experimentation #learning
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Learn webhooks and handle prediction errors #dreamshot
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dusted off some old machine learning / text parsing code to dabble with tonight #mylife
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Finished work on cancel prediction API endpoint #fashn
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Make deep recurrent neural network to predict stock prices on a n-day window basis
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👨‍💻 | chapter 3 - 3: Neural net foundations
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experimented with OpenAI's chat completions and custom functions to see what I'm missing #jobs
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write my first ever automated test!
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Add prediction through example datasets to make the webapp easier to demo / share with people from the course #zg
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🤖 lots of AI research last night including writing a functional story bot to wrap my head around how to apply step-by-step logic and get something meaningful out of llama2 #research
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- write down research for ml based on feedback from redditor in /r/MachineLearning/ ✅ #maintenance
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