flesh out how #ciphey works
write unit tests (integration) for language checker #ciphey
finish language checker #ciphey
work on #ciphey a lil more
Complete the neural network, test it, and write a function to predict based on unseen data (now I can go to bed 😅) #ciphey
Get the deep neural network working #ciphey
chi squared for quick brown fox #ciphey
created the data that will be used to train the ai #ciphey
watch more python neural network stuff #ciphey
learn about RNN #ciphey
create a neural network #ciphey
fix averaging bug #ciphey
YouTube video on standard deviation#ciphey
start writing tests for chi squared #ciphey
split language checker up into 3 class. chi squared, dictionary, and the language checker main (8 pending todos) #ciphey
work on what ciphers I want to use #ciphey
work on 10 words English decipherment for #ciphey
research SVMs as a machine learning model for #ciphey
if not in dictionary but is ascii character then add it (should make it easier to port) #ciphey